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| Written by Chip Begley

The Power of a Seamless Virtual Event

Digital Producer Virtual Meeting

In the virtual event world, there is a wide range of production elements that can be incorporated, from multiple virtual feeds for presenters, recorded content, and live studio presenters to something much simpler like a Zoom, WebEx, or Teams meeting or webinar. One item that has become clear through this quick pivot to virtual, is that every virtual event does not need full AV/Production (with a capital P) but every virtual event needs production. You may have heard of this as the show flow or script or technical agenda, regardless of what you call it; you need it

In the past 14 months, M&IW has been involved in more than 2,400 virtual events from full AV/Production to self-produced. Establishing the role of a Digital Producer connects the meeting content to the technology. More and more, our clients are seeing the invaluable role of a Digital Producer on even their low-technology virtual meetings, like the ones held in Zoom, WebEx or Teams.

The Invaluable Role of the Digital Producer

The Digital Producer provides an added level of expertise to the program management, but their role is online.  Curious about what the Digital Producer organizes for your virtual event?

  • Schedules the web conferencing technology for your event (Zoom, WebEx, Teams)
  • Enables the features and options needed for your virtual event, such as:
    • Recording
    • Waiting Room
    • Breakout Rooms
    • Polling
    • Registration
    • Password-protected access.
  • Creates the show flow
    • A minute-by-minute agenda of the virtual event
    • Technical cues
  • Schedules and manages rehearsals of all presenters
    • Camera, audio, and lighting check
    • Run through the presentations with each presenter and any transitions
    • Cue Videos
    • Polling
  • Day of Event Technical execution:
    • Screensharing presentations or videos
    • Launching polls
    • Monitoring the chat
    • Manage breakout rooms
    • Providing tech support
    • Managing breaks with countdown clocks and music
    • Manage the tech support staff

Why You Need a Day of the Event Team?

What our clients are quickly realizing is that their virtual events have an air of professionalism when using a Digital Producer. Think of how many online meetings you have attended where the presenter or host is fumbling with sharing their screen, unable to launch a poll, or struggling to push people into breakout rooms. When you bring in an external technical expert to handle all these tasks behind the scenes and seamless experience, your attendees notice the difference and it ensures your virtual event’s success. 

Just as our clients rely on us, a meeting management partner, to assist with registration, hotel, ground transportation, and F&B, they can also count on us for the production of their virtual events. Committing to a Day of the Event Team to handle digital production, tech support, and attendee inquiries lifts your virtual event from home-grown to polished and professional, without an extensive budget.  So, look to invest in a Digital Producer for your next virtual event.

Hosting a Virtual Event? Connect with us…

Most of our clients are continuing to incorporate virtual experiences within their enterprise event strategy. If you aren’t looking to engage an external production company, but want to elevate the virtual event experience for your customers and employees, we are happy to assist in everything from the right technology platform, providing event management services, creative services, content development, and digital production. To get started, contact us today.
